Taspen's Organics & Dragonfly Botanicals Hemp CBD - Provider Perks

35% off Organic Essential Oils

by Taspen's Organics & Dragonfly Botanicals Hemp CBD

Since 2007, Taspen's Organics & Dragonfly Botanicals have sourced the highest quality organic Hemp CBD, herbs, essential oils & oils to create handcrafted exceptional plant-based remedies as nature intended. Products include organic tinctures, facial & body care, eco-friendly pet & insect products, sun & baby products as well as elixirs to assist with emotional well being, digestion, respiratory issues, stress & aches - ALL NATURAL, organic & plant-based goodness!

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Disclaimer: We have compiled a list of vendors that provide special discounts to various types of health care professionals. Though we try our hardest to extend these discounts to most health care professionals, some companies provide discounts to certain health professionals only while not to others. We are constantly reaching out to vendors to bring these discounts to all types of health care professionals. If you notice a discount does not apply to your profession, please do bring this to our attention so we may prioritize negotiating rates for your profession as we continue to negotiate rates with present and future participating vendors.